Strategic Frameworks (Safeguards) support for Honduras through UNEP

Strategic Frameworks (Safeguards) support for Honduras through UNEP
Honduras set up a National Readiness and Preparatory Support Program for the Green Climate Fund in 2017, which includes several GCF readiness projects aimed at: i) strengthening the NDA and designing the Country Programme; ii) creating enabling environments to effectively plan, implement, monitor and report about the National Adaptation Strategy; iii) and supporting strategic planning to engage with the GCF and comply with the national commitments under the Paris Agreement regarding the LULUCF sector. This project proposal will become part of this wider Programme strategy, with the intention that Honduras will capacities at project and institutional levels, and strengthen its understanding of social and environmental safeguards applicable to climate change projects and programs. This will improve the implementation of the Honduras Country Work Programme by helping to mitigate risks and enhance benefits resulting from the policies, measures and actions of these projects and programmes.