Scaling the Communal Reserve Co-management Model to Reduce Emissions and Build Resilience of Indigenous People in the Peruvian Amazon

Document cover for Scaling the Communal Reserve Co-management Model to Reduce Emissions and Build Resilience of Indigenous People in the Peruvian Amazon
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Scaling the Communal Reserve Co-management Model to Reduce Emissions and Build Resilience of Indigenous People in the Peruvian Amazon

Amazonian indigenous peoples are among the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, particularly indigenous women. The proposed project aims to empower indigenous people to adapt to increased temperatures, changing rainfall patterns, and resultant negative impacts on food security and livelihoods while protecting, restoring and sustainably managing 5 million ha of forests to reduce 4.8 MtCO2eq4 of emissions in the Peruvian Amazon. These goals will be achieved and sustained through the establishment of a green business facility with the participation of private and public stakeholders that will provide the financial and technical means needed to effectively implement the Communal Reserve management model and sustainable management of the surrounding areas.

Cover date 11 October 2019
Document type Concept note
Conservation International Foundation