Resilient Puna: Nature-based climate solutions for sustainable high Andean communities and ecosystems in Peru
Resilient Puna: Nature-based climate solutions for sustainable high Andean communities and ecosystems in Peru
Peruvian ́s Ministry of Agriculture (MIDAGRI) has appointed GIZ as the Accredited Entity (AE) to support the development and implementation of the “Resilient Puna: Ecosystem- based approaches for sustainable High Andean communities and ecosystems in Peru” project.
A concept note has been cleared by GCF on November 2021 and GIZ internal clearance to start funding proposal development obtained in 2021. Additionally, the project is reflected in the GCF country program and the CN has been officially endorsed by the NDA on January 2022
To date, GIZ has disposed financial resources to prepare the Concept Note (CN) and support the funding proposal development (FP). As part of this support, GIZ is currently recruiting and undertaking a series of technical studies. However, in addition to the high cost of developing the FP, GIZ is facing unexpected challenges, including a lack of quality consulting firms for developing the full Funding proposal and selected annexes, particularly the Feasibility study.
As indicated in the attached No-objection Letter, GIZ, together with the NDA, requests support from the GCF through the Project Preparation Facility (PPF) service to coordinate technical activities under the PPF service in order to complete the feasibility study and full project proposal package.
The requested PPF service support will be complementary to GIZ's resources and will build directly on the existing baseline, concept note, and existing studies. The PPF support will facilitate completion of the following activities: (1). Climate studies including full climate analysis with climate hydrological modelling; and watershed/landscape management planning and governance (2). A feasibility study an analysis of the polity, regulatory and governance at the landscape level along with the review of the existing value chain and PES analysis in order to provide the details description of the activities (including indicator, baseline and targets), including theory of change, Log frame and, indicators; (3) Operations Manual of the Puna Facility; and (4) Technical support during GCF Secretariat and ITAP review process.
The details of these activities are provided below. As the AE for the Resilient Puna project, GIZ will ensure the necessary due diligence, including full and effective stakeholder consultation, technical quality control, and transparent fiduciary responsibility during the implementation of the PPF activities.