Pathways to Dairy Net Zero: Promoting Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Livestock in East Africa

Pathways to Dairy Net Zero: Promoting Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Livestock in East Africa
This PPF application will ensure the quality design of the regional programme titled Pathways to Dairy Net Zero: Promoting Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Livestock in East Africa.
It will enable public, private, national and regional investments to be leveraged to reach the objectives of reducing farm-level methane intensity and marketing chain Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, while making net-zero dairy production economically attractive to farmers and dairy sector processors. The regional programme will foster the paradigm shift needed in the livestock and dairy sectors in East Africa.
The PPF request is made to co-finance the elaboration of the Funding Proposal Package. This entails the support to stakeholder engagement (Public, private sector, NGOs, research and universities, civil society and producers’ cooperatives and associations) in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, the elaboration of all the feasibility studies on GHG emission baseline and mitigation scenario analysis (best practices and methane inhibitors), pathways to dairy net zero, socio-economic, policies and market analysis, gender assessment and action plan, social and environmental management framework, legal assessment, etc. The Funding Proposal (FP) for the Pathways to Dairy Net Zero: Promoting Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Livestock in East Africa will target a GCF Board during GCF2.
The FP will build on comprehensive work carried out under the CGIAR-CCAFS Climate Finance Readiness, FAO analysis on development of low-emission dairy systems in East Africa, and the Pathways to Dairy Net Zero launched during the UN Food Systems Summit, as well as the engagement at CoP26 towards a process aimed at systematically enhancing climate action in global dairy systems.
This PPF application is hereby made to the GCF to provide USD 1.14 million of PPF resources to complement the USD 1.34 million from IFAD, USD 353 000 from FAO and USD 620 000 from the Global Dairy Platform, to support the programme preparation activities, ensure a good quality and well informed and evidence-based FP on development of low- emissions dairy cattle value chains in East Africa.