NDA Strengthening & Country Programming support for the Democratic Republic of Congo through CSE

NDA Strengthening & Country Programming support for the Democratic Republic of Congo through CSE
The newly created Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (where the NDA is hosted) lacks both human and financial capacity. Its staffs lack relevant technical and operational skills as they are new to the job, making it difficult to effectively engage with the Fund. Also, aligning the on-going development processes for National Adaptation Programme (NAP), Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA), and Low Emission Development Strategy (LEDS) with the GCF’s investment criteria will require consultations with key stakeholders across the country. This is expected to be particularly challenging as the country implements new territorial organisation that will see its erstwhile 11 provinces increase to 24.
With this request for the standardised readiness package for activity 1 and 2, DRC expects to see the capacity of its NDA strengthened to carry out GCF-related tasks and a smooth engagement with the GCF arising from the implementation of the country programme to be developed as a result of this support.