NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for the State of Palestine through UNDP

NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for the State of Palestine through UNDP
The Palestinian Government nominated the Environment Quality Authority (EQA) to become the Country’s National Designated Authority (NDA) to the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The nomination of EQA was acknowledged by the GCF on 25 November 2016. This project willsupport EQA to establish several institutional processes including a ‘no objection procedures’ and ‘coordination mechanism’ and to create an enabling environment to mainstream climate change in the national and local planning process. These activities and capacities will enable EQA to access the GCF resources and fulfil its duties as a NDA to the GCF.
This request of readiness and preparatory support will contribute to enhance the readiness capacity of Palestine to access GCF. It will enhance EQA’s capacities to effectively manage the fund, including monitoring and oversight, active engagement of the stakeholders including the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Transportation, Palestinian Water Authority, the Energy and Resources Authority, Ministry of Women’s affairs, Ministry of Social Development and the private sector. It will support the NDA in Palestine to prepare a gender and social inclusive country programme that focuses on prioritises investment in climate change mitigation and adaptation.