NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Senegal through CSE

NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Senegal through CSE
Senegal’s economy depends heavily on climate sensitive sectors such as agriculture, fishing and tourism, which generate over 60% of employment positions in the country. Despite its huge potential for renewable energy (e.g. solar, wind, etc.), Senegal’s economy remains fossil fuel- dependent. In order to address the above challenges and materialise its long-term aspiration to become an emerging economy by 2035, the country invested in the development of a number of climate-related policies, legal and institutional frameworks.
The focus now is on implementation and, in this regard, Senegal has actively engaged with the GCF, including a bilateral meeting between Senegal’s President and the GCF Executive Director where the President indicated that Senegal’s priorities with respect to the Fund included the protection of coastal areas, rural electrification, clean energy, urban development and landfill gas management.
Therefore, Senegal requires readiness support for activities 1 and 2 in order to effectively engage with the Fund and mobilise adequate resources for implementing transformational climate change projects and programmes.
As a result of these activities, it is expected that an appropriate NDA arrangement is identified, and its institutional capacities are built to effectively fulfil its roles and responsibilities in relation to the Fund. The programme will also facilitate the development, through a stakeholder engagement process, of a country programme, which will include the above adaptation and mitigation programming priorities highlighted by the President of the Republic of Senegal.