NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Saint Kitts and Nevis through FAO

Document cover for NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Saint Kitts and Nevis through FAO
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NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Saint Kitts and Nevis through FAO

The Government of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis is committed to tackling the adverse impacts of climate change through the implementation of ambitious policies and actions enshrined in its NDCs. However, to meet the country’s desired national goals and to access climate finance will require inter alia, strengthened institutional capacity and effective coordination mechanisms. The country’s climate change governance and institutions present the following constraints that the GCF Readiness Programme will help to tackle: (i) inadequate mechanisms for stakeholder engagement and information exchange at both the national and island levels; (ii) absence of an effective mechanism for meaningfully mainstreaming climate change programmes into the national strategic framework; and (iii) the absence of an institutional apparatus to access the GCF and other dedicated climate change financing mechanisms. The proposed readiness grant will address these underlying challenges through capacity building of the NDA to effectively undertake its GCF-related roles and responsibilities, designing a Country Programme for engaging with the Fund, and undertaking due diligence and capacity building of prospective National Implementing Entities with a view to realizing direct access.

Cover date 29 January 2018
Document type Approved readiness proposal
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Saint Kitts and Nevis