NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for the Plurinational State of Bolivia through Ministry of Development Planning

NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for the Plurinational State of Bolivia through Ministry of Development Planning
The Bolivian Government has shown interest in strengthening the capacities of the NDA to leverage proactive participation of different stakeholders at national level, including the private sector. The Fund’s readiness support will enable them to develop the tools and provide the platforms for broad dissemination of information relevant to improve the country’s access to international climate finance, particularly the Green Climate Fund.
The support will also help to establish a clear climate change priority investment framework for identification and preparation of funding proposals to be presented to the Fund in 2016 and 2017. It is expected that the support will provide a clear framework and will help country authorities identify other relevant stakeholders from private sector and civil society to implement programming priorities of the country and potential Implementing Entities to facilitate direct access to the resources.