NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Nauru through PIFS

Document cover for NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Nauru through PIFS
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NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Nauru through PIFS

This request is specifically focused on addressing Readiness Activity Area 1 (Strengthening the Capacity of Nauru’s NDA) and Activity Area 2 (Development of Nauru’s Strategic Framework for engagement with the Fund). Outcome 1 is that the capacity of Nauru’s NDA is strengthened. This will be supported through the recruitment of two national consultant positions – GCF Coordinator and GCF Assistant - for up to 2 years (24 months). This additional and dedicated capacity will support and enable the Office of the NDA to implement its expected functions and roles. Outcome 2 is that Nauru’s Strategic Framework and Country Programme is developed. This will be supported through the procurement of short term external consultants to develop and cost Nauru’s priorities. The Government is fully committed to the implementation of this readiness request, as expressed by the President of Nauru, HE Baron Waqa, in August 2016 at the High Level Segment of the GCF Pacific Meeting in Suva, Fiji.

Cover date 24 February 2017
Document type Approved readiness proposal