NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Morocco through Beya Capital

Document cover for NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Morocco through Beya Capital
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NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Morocco through Beya Capital

Given the diversity of challenges and importance of aligning the GCF with existing climate finance initiatives supporting Morocco NDC, Morocco seeks readiness support for finalizing the NDA establishment and strengthening its capacity in order to effectively fulfil its GCF-related tasks (A1) and develop a country framework (A2) to engage effectively with the GCF. The country programme developed in the context of this GCF grant will take into account INDC’s priorities and ensure that the climate-smart investment priorities submitted to the GCF as part of the country programme allow achieving INDC’s objectives.

Cover date 28 October 2016
Document type Approved readiness proposal