NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Indonesia through GGGI

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NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Indonesia through GGGI
This readiness proposal includes interlinked activities aimed at all five key readiness outcomes.
- Country Capacity Strengthened; initial drafts of the coordination mechanisms and NOL procedure have not been finalized with multi-stakeholder input. Development of the monitoring and oversight system will start within this workstream.
- Stakeholders engaged; this workstream will ensure a multi-stakeholder approach with strong gender equality focus.
- Direct access realized; while Indonesia is already in an advanced state with one DAE, additional direct access is needed. Few institutions understand or meet requirements for accreditation. This workstream will identify and support selected entities through the accreditation process.
- Access to finance; to identify and develop potential bankable projects, matchmaking between the private sector, financial institutions, (D)AE’s and project developers will be key.
- Private sector mobilized; while green and climate-friendly investment is growing in Indonesia, work remains to crowd-in private sector investors into key sectors. This workstream will identify investment barriers, develop solutions, and facilitate lender-borrower matchmaking for climate investments.
Cover date
02 July 2018
Document type
Approved readiness proposal