NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Guyana through CCCCC

NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Guyana through CCCCC
The project’s objective is to enhance Guyana’s readiness to access and deliver international climate finance through targeted institutional strengthening. This will be achieved through the following two outcomes, (i) Strengthened capacities within the NDA to facilitate efficient planning and administration of fund-related responsibilities and (ii) National priorities elaborated through the development and implementation of a Country Strategic Framework to the GCF. These outcomes will be achieved by delivering training of specialised technical and administrative personnel in order to assist the NDA in effectively executing its mandate, dissemination of user-friendly GCF operational manuals to key national stakeholders, defining a nationally appropriate process for ascertaining no-objections to funding proposals, and development and elaboration of a Country Strategic Framework for engaging with the Green Climate Fund. This Readiness Proposal is consistent with the GCF’s Readiness Support Programme’s objective, and will directly contribute to its target areas, specifically, activities 1 and 2 respectively: establishing and strengthening National Designated Authorities (NDAs) or Focal Points, and Strategic frameworks for engagement with the Fund.