NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Gambia through the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

Document cover for NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Gambia through the  Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs
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NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Gambia through the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

The Gambia Government has developed an INDC, National Climate Change Policy, NAMA, NAPAs etc. and has put in place the various institutional arrangements to ascertain that all major international sources of public finance are deployed in a manner that supports these strategies and plans without overlap or duplication. This includes defining a clear and distinct role for the Fund that aligns potential resources from the Fund with their strategic priorities in a manner that compliments and catalyzes other sources. Therefore, the country program will form the basis for Gambia’s strategic engagement with the Fund.

Cover date 17 November 2016
Document type Approved readiness proposal