NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Djibouti through CSE

NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Djibouti through CSE
Djibouti appointed its Focal Point only recently and the team is small with limited experience on climate finance issues. Moreover, the country has received climate-related support from its development partners to implement a number of policies, programmes and projects. However, the impact for such support has not necessarily resulted in strengthening the resilience of Djibouti’s economy to the adverse impacts of climate change and positioning the country in a low-emissions development pathway. The country needs to identify and eliminate weaknesses that keep such a paradigm shift from beginning to take place. The initial phase of the GCF’s Readiness and Preparatory Support is to address this need and will focus on (i) the strengthening of the National Designated Authority (NDA) / Focal Point (activity 1), and (ii) the development of strategic frameworks for engagement with the Fund, including the preparation of a country programme (activity 2).
As a result of the readiness support activities, it is expected that the technical and institutional capacities of the NDA/FP are built to effectively fulfill its roles and responsibilities in relation to the Fund. The support will also facilitate the development, through a stakeholder engagement process, of a country programme, which will include programming priorities and programme/project concepts