Linking National and Sub-national Adaptation Planning in Senegal

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Linking National and Sub-national Adaptation Planning in Senegal

Climate change affects key Senegalese economic sectors. Of those, the following ones are noted as priorities by the country’s NDC: agriculture, fishery, health, coastal zones, water resources, biodiversity, livestock, and DRR. Efforts are being undertaken to address adaptation capacity gaps at national and sectoral levels, through three NAP initiatives supported by GIZ, USAID, and GEF-LDCF. Under these initiatives, sectoral NAPs addressing specific sectoral issues, are being elaborated in the following areas: fishery, water resources (partial), agriculture, coastal zone (partial), health, DRR, infrastructure. These sectoral plans contribute  to the overall NAP process and establish the foundations for the mainstreaming of adaptation into sectoral planning.

To ensure a continuous and broad-based NAP process engaging both national and sub-national levels, additional efforts need to be made. These efforts should target sectors that are not well covered (e.g. biodiversity, livestock, tourism (including coastal zones and water resources) and offer the most vulnerable communities opportunities to integrate their priorities into national and sectoral planning.

The objective of the project is to mainstream climate change adaptation into national, sectoral and sub-national development planning. A necessary precondition to this long-term objective is to overcome the barriers to engaging sub-national actors on national adaptation planning, and at the national level to ensure that policies and allocation of resources support adaptation actions.

These barriers include a) insufficient capacity of the National Climate Change Committee to effectively coordinate adaptation at the national level and to bridge coordination gap between national and sub-national levels, b) insufficient involvement of sub-national entities for effective decision making, c) deficit of knowledge and information for CCA mainstreaming, and d) insufficient integration of sub-national and local information in the M&E system to provide a coherent picture on progress and lessons learned.

Cover date 29 January 2024
Document type Approved readiness proposal
United Nations Development Programme