Indigenous peoples policy

Main document
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548.06 KB
السياسة المتعلقة بالشعوب الأصلية
العربية | PDF |
803.56 KB
Política de pueblos indígenas
Español | PDF |
712.97 KB
Politique relative aux peuples autochtones
Français | PDF |
550.67 KB
Политика в отношении коренных народов
Русский | PDF |
560.92 KB
中文 | PDF |
554.91 KB
Indigenous peoples policy
Adopted by decision B.19/11. Sets out the approach to incorporating the circumstances of indigenous peoples into decision-making while working towards climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Cover date
01 March 2018
Document type
Policies, strategies, and guidelines
Table of contents
- Introduction and rationale
- Definitions
- Policy objectives
- Scope of application
- Guiding principles
- Overview of roles and responsibilities
- Requirements
- Implementation
- Effective date and review