Improvement of resilience of water resources to climate change for communities living in the mountain ecosystems of Adrar Wilaya in Mauritania

Improvement of resilience of water resources to climate change for communities living in the mountain ecosystems of Adrar Wilaya in Mauritania
Mauritania is an arid LDC country whose bioclimatic context, aggravated by climate change, makes access to water a major challenge. Recurrent droughts, evapotranspiration, salinization and silting of oases make water resources scarce and often of poor quality. In the absence of resources, scientific information and an effective institutional framework, the Mauritanian State is struggling to provide the population, particularly Saharan and women, with satisfactory access to water. It is these challenges that this project aims to address according to an inclusive approach, through the Ministry of Hydraulics and Sanitation as an executing agency with the technical assistance of the GWP-Med.