Identify adaptation and mitigation interventions and creating partnerships for scaling up the Great Green Wall Initiative in Niger

Identify adaptation and mitigation interventions and creating partnerships for scaling up the Great Green Wall Initiative in Niger
The agriculture, forest and land use sector (AFOLU) has been identified in the Nationally Determined Contribution of Niger as the priority sector for adaptation and mitigation intervention. Niger, being a member country of the Great Green Wall Initiative (GGW), aims at scaling up successful climate resilient and low mission technologies in the AFOLU sector under the Great Green Wall framework by strengthening capacity and developing partnerships for the development and successful implementation of future GCF proposals on the AFOLU sector. However, Niger still lack the necessary biophysical and socio- economic baselines to quantify the climate change impacts on AFOLU sector in the country, does not have evidence based data on adaptation and mitigation benefits resulting from specific AFOLU interventions, does not have an updated mapping of AFOLU interventions nor has confirmed partnerships for scaling up and sustainability of the interventions.
In this context, this Readiness proposal will support the development of a strategic analyses of the adaptation and mitigation potentials of the AFOLU sector - based on currently available databases and through the generation of new national data- and also build capacity of the main actors, identify climate investment opportunities, priority technologies and potential partnerships (in particular the private sector) to successfully scale up adaptation and mitigation interventions under the GGW. The main beneficiaries of this projects are the Commission Technique sur le Changement Climatique and the Comité National Technique du Fonds Vert pour le Climat, which are part of the NDA, set up by previous Readiness projects.
The collaboration and capacity development both at national and at the regional levels will enable harmonized baseline assessments, monitoring, sharing of technical expertise, lessons learnt and experience, and will reinforce collaboration amongst partners. These actions will be supported by further multi-stakeholder consultation processes on the GGW Initiative.