Generation of a Conceptual Framework for the National Climate Change Registry of Ecuador (RNCC) and Design of a Version V.0 of the Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system as part of the RNCC

Document cover for Generation of a Conceptual Framework for the National Climate Change Registry of Ecuador (RNCC) and Design of a Version V.0 of the Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system as part of the RNCC
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Generation of a Conceptual Framework for the National Climate Change Registry of Ecuador (RNCC) and Design of a Version V.0 of the Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system as part of the RNCC

Ecuador has developed a robust policy framework on climate change and made several instruments official, including the National Climate Change Strategy (ENCC) and the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), and is currently developing the National Adaptation Plan (PLANACC), the National Mitigation Plan (PLAMICC) and the National Climate Finance Strategy (ENFC). Ecuador recently adopted the environmental law and regulation (COA and RCOA) that create the National Climate Change Registry (RNCC) through which all information related to mitigation, adaptation and finance must be monitored and public access should be granted. Despite this regulatory developments, financial and technical constraints have hindered the design and operationalization of the RNCC and its MRV system.  

These barriers include lack of clarity on the structure and components of the RNCC, which includes a repository of information and an MRV system, the development of the technical tools and methodologies that would be applied as part of the MRV system (developed in an interinstitutional and participatory manner) as well as the technological structure and software needed to set up the RNCC.  

This readiness proposal aims to determine the components of the RNCC and develop the tools needed for the operationalization of the MRV system, focused on the NDC, including the modalities, procedures, methodologies, and guidelines, setting up a pilot phase and automatizing the process to embed it into national systems and requirements, in a Version V.0. Through its implementation, the project will set in place a measuring, reporting and verification system and enable the tracking of mitigation and adaptation efforts of the NDC as well as domestic and international climate finance flows and the impacts of funded activities. The information will be analyzed at the national and subnational levels for iterative feedback into the investment planning process. 

Cover date 03 December 2020
Document type Approved readiness proposal
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations