GCF/BM-2015/Inf.01/Rev.01: Outcome of the First GCF Pledging Conference and Pledges as of December 31, 2014

GCF/BM-2015/Inf.01/Rev.01: Outcome of the First GCF Pledging Conference and Pledges as of December 31, 2014
Pursuant to decision B.07/09, a process of collective engagement in the Green Climate Fund’s (the Fund) initial resource mobilization (IRM) process was launched with potential contributors. The first IRM meeting was held on 30 June–1 July 2014 in Oslo, Norway, with Mr. Henrik Harboe serving as Chair, and a second technical IRM meeting was held on 8–9 September 2014 in Bonn, Germany, with H.E. Lennart Båge serving as the Chair and the facilitator of the IRM process.
During its eighth meeting, the Board endorsed the policies for contributions to the Fund set out in Annexes XIX, XX, XXI, XXII and XXIII to document GCF/B.08/45, which paved the way for contributors to make significant pledges to the Fund. Before the High-Level Pledging Conference of Interested Contributors to the Initial Resource Mobilization Process of the Green Climate Fund, close to US$ 3 billion1 had been pledged as part of the Fund’s initial resource mobilization process.