GCF/B.41/Inf.13: Status of the GCF resources, pipeline and portfolio

GCF/B.41/Inf.13: Status of the GCF resources, pipeline and portfolio
Summary This report provides an overview of the Green Climate Fund as at 31 December 2024. It is structured as follows:
(a) Report reflecting the status of GCF contributions and resources, status and trends of programming and portfolio impact, results and performance, including progress against the Updated Strategic Plan 2 and other strategies;
(b) Annex I: Resources Trackers and Trustee Report;
(c) Annex II: Accredited entities and accreditation categories;
(d) Annex III: Results Tracking Tool;
(e) Annex IV: Country Coverage Report; and
(f) Annex V: Funded activities with challenges that may require restructuring or cancellation