GCF/B.41/12: Co-Chairs proposal on modifications to the initial no-objection procedure

Document cover for Co-Chairs proposal on modifications to  the initial no-objection procedure
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GCF/B.41/12: Co-Chairs proposal on modifications to the initial no-objection procedure

The Co-Chairs propose targeted changes to the initial no-objection procedure to remove certain provisions that place undue requirements on countries. If the Board adopts the proposed modifications to the no-objection procedures, the Secretariat will update the noobjection letter template accordingly and ensure its availability to all partners through the GCF website. Broader issues relating to country ownership which have arisen in the context of prior Board discussions relating to the initial no-objection procedure will be examined further in a comprehensive review and broader revisions of the guidelines for enhanced country ownership and country drivenness planned for later in 2025.

Document symbol GCF/B.41/12
Document type
Action item
Board meeting
Cover date 30 January 2025