GCF/B.38/12/Add.01: Management response to the Independent Evaluation of Green Climate Fund’s Approach to the Energy Sector

Document cover for Management response to the Independent Evaluation of Green Climate Fund’s Approach to the Energy Sector
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GCF/B.38/12/Add.01: Management response to the Independent Evaluation of Green Climate Fund’s Approach to the Energy Sector

This document presents the Secretariat management response to the Independent Evaluation of Green Climate Fund’s Approach to the Energy Sector undertaken by the Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU). This management response is divided into 2 parts, having the first section discusses the Secretariat’s general responses to the overall findings and recommendations and the second section discusses each specific recommendation. The IEU evaluation report presents five major recommendations to the GCF Board and Secretariat. The Secretariat partially agrees with most recommendations and agrees to a few, while it is committed to thoroughly evaluating each recommendation and implementing appropriate measures in line with GCF's objectives and policies.

Document symbol GCF/B.38/12/Add.01
Document type
Action item
Board meeting
Cover date 29 February 2024