GCF/B.32/05/Add.02: Update of the Simplified Approval Process – Addendum II Summary of the Bilateral Consultations on the Update of the Simplified Approval Process

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GCF/B.32/05/Add.02: Update of the Simplified Approval Process – Addendum II Summary of the Bilateral Consultations on the Update of the Simplified Approval Process

This policy package has been prepared for agenda item 8(a) on policy consultations, in line with the B.31 decision by which the Board agreed and confirmed the dates and venue of B.32, noting that the first two days will be sessions for policy consultations.
This note summarizes the comments provided by members and alternate members of the Board and their advisers on the update of the simplified approval process (SAP) during bilateral consultations organized by the Secretariat held between 17 November and 12 January 2022.
The consultations focused on: discussions on comments shared by Board members on the SAP policy presented at the thirtieth meeting of the Board; issues that were identified as still outstanding and warranting further consultations and consensus-building among Board members and their respective constituencies; and obtaining feedback on any outstanding concerns from the various Board members. This note also provides the Secretariat’s responses and actions to address the comments received.

Document symbol GCF/B.32/05/Add.02
Document type
Board meeting
Cover date 25 April 2022