GCF/B.32/05/Add.01: Update of the Simplified Approval Process – Addendum I Comparison table of the Proposal Approval Process, the Simplified Approval Process and the Update of the Simplified Approval Process

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GCF/B.32/05/Add.01: Update of the Simplified Approval Process – Addendum I Comparison table of the Proposal Approval Process, the Simplified Approval Process and the Update of the Simplified Approval Process
This policy package has been prepared for agenda item 8(a) on policy consultations, in line with the B.31 decision by which the Board agreed and confirmed the dates and venue of B.32, noting that the first two days will be sessions for policy consultations.
This addendum compares the simplified approval process and the proposal approval process, in the form of a table outlining the differences in the review, approval, and post-approval stages.
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Document type
Board meeting
Cover date
25 April 2022