GCF/B.31/Inf.02: Report on the activities of the Secretariat

Document cover for Report on the activities of the Secretariat
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GCF/B.31/Inf.02: Report on the activities of the Secretariat

This report provides an update on the activities of the Secretariat for the period 1 August to 31 December 2021. It summarizes progress against the overarching goals and priorities identified in the Secretariat’s 2021 Work Programme, as well as tracking key performance indicators identified in the work programme results framework.
The report includes: a key performance indicators (KPI) tracking sheet with progress against all the Secretariat KPIs approved by the Board under the 2021 Work Programe (annex I), a summary of comments received in the second sectoral guides consultation (annex II), an update on lessons from the implementation of the GCF-1 policy cycle under the 2020–2023 Board Work Plan (annex III), a summary of requests from the Board during the reporting period and Secretariat responses (annex IV), and the list of GCF cooperation agreements that are currently in effect (annex V).

Document symbol GCF/B.31/Inf.02
Document type
Board meeting
Cover date 11 March 2022