GCF/B.30/Inf.11/Add.02: Consistency of funding proposal conditions with the GCF policies

GCF/B.30/Inf.11/Add.02: Consistency of funding proposal conditions with the GCF policies
This document presents a report on the consistency of funding proposal conditions with GCF policies, as originally mandated under decision B.16/02 paragraphs (l) and (n). It identifies all funding proposals approved from B.11 to B.29 for which the GCF Board imposed conditions, provides an update on the status of fulfilment of these conditions, and analyses the conditions imposed on funding proposals approved at B.16 for inconsistency with GCF policies. As the report identifies that all relevant funding proposals which remain active in the GCF portfolio are proceeding to implementation in the normal course, this report does not present any specific recommendations for further Board guidance at this time.