GCF/B.30/08: Review of Secretariat capabilities to deliver the updated Strategic Plan for 2020 – 2023

GCF/B.30/08: Review of Secretariat capabilities to deliver the updated Strategic Plan for 2020 – 2023
This document presents a review of the Secretariat’s capabilities to deliver increased programming and implementation over 2020-23 in line with ambitions of the GCF updated Strategic Plan (USP), endorsed by the Board at its twenty-seventh meeting. In reviewing the Secretariat’s capabilities, the paper also addresses two other mandates established in the USP to: (i) identify operational bottlenecks and examine the most effective ways to address these to speed up access, and (ii) undertake a cost-benefit assessment of needs and options for establishing a GCF regional presence. The Secretariat contracted an external firm, Dalberg Global Development Advisers, to conduct the review. The exercise included a review of eight key business processes to identify operational bottlenecks and associated efficiency and effectiveness reforms, an analysis of how regional presence options could help address bottlenecks and enhance the overall performance of the Fund, and modelling of Secretariat workload and capacity requirements to deliver the USP. Based on the findings, the paper recommends that to successfully manage the expected USD 15 billion GCF portfolio, the Secretariat pursue ongoing efficiency measures, and the Board consider agreeing a staged scale-up of Secretariat staff headcount. The updated Annexes II-VI to this version provide additional information requested by Board members to facilitate consideration of the capability review, including budgetary estimates which have been reviewed by the Budget Committee. The Dalberg report is at Annex VII.