GCF/B.30/04: Steps to enhance the climate rationale of GCF-supported activities

GCF/B.30/04: Steps to enhance the climate rationale of GCF-supported activities
This document responds to the Board’s request to the Secretariat to address various policy matters related to the investment framework, including steps to enhance the climate rationale of GCF-supported activities (see decision B.19/06). It is prepared on the basis that the ‘steps to enhance climate rationale’ do not set out any project selection or eligibility criteria for GCF funding, but rather provide non-prescriptive, principles-based guidance that accredited entities can use to establish the climate impact potential of GCF-supported projects and programmes in line with the GCF investment framework. In connection with the principles-based guidance described in this paper, decision B.28/03 further requested the Secretariat, in close consultation with the independent Technical Advisory Panel, to develop a transparent and consistent approach to their assessment of funding proposals. To that end, this document outlines related actions that are being taken by the Secretariat and the independent Technical Advisory Panel to establish clear and consistent guidance and support for the assessment of the climate impact potential of proposals, thus providing consistent GCF-level guidance that will improve the consistency and ease of proposal development and review.