GCF/B.29/Inf.07/Add.05: Institutional linkage between the United Nations and the Green Climate Fund

Document cover for Institutional linkage between the United Nations and the Green Climate Fund
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GCF/B.29/Inf.07/Add.05: Institutional linkage between the United Nations and the Green Climate Fund

Pursuant to decision 7/CP.20, decision 9/CP/25, and decision 12/CP.25, this document presents the summary of the Secretariat’s exchanges with the United Nations Secretariat on a potential linkage between the United Nations and the Green Climate Fund, including the possible form and scope of any such linkage. The document further presents the view of the Secretariat in relation to the two possible options by which GCF could enjoy privileges and immunities, other than through bilateral agreements.

Document symbol GCF/B.29/Inf.07/Add.05
Document type
Board meeting
Cover date 25 June 2021