GCF/B.24/Inf.13: Status of the initial resource mobilization process

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GCF/B.24/Inf.13: Status of the initial resource mobilization process
This document provides an update for the Board on the initial resource mobilization process, including: the status of signing contribution agreements/arrangements; the current commitment authority highlighting the current cash and promissory notes available; and the forecast of available resources for commitment and disbursement. The financial report of the GCF Trust Fund is also provided in this document. The report, which encompasses financial information as at 30 September 2019, was prepared by the World Bank in its capacity as the Trustee of the GCF.
Document symbol
Document type
Board meeting
Cover date
28 October 2019
Table of contents
- Introduction
- Status of contributions
- Status of resources
- Annex I: Pledge Tracker
- Annex II: Green Climate Fund Trust Fund report