GCF/B.20/12: Recommendations of the Private Sector Advisory Group on opportunities to engage the private sector in adaptation

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GCF/B.20/12: Recommendations of the Private Sector Advisory Group on opportunities to engage the private sector in adaptation
This document contains the recommendations of the Private Sector Advisory Group to the Board on opportunities to engage the private sector in adaptation. The recommendations are presented in response to a request from the Board to scale up solutions to enhance the volume and impacts of adaptation programmes and investments, and include:
- Reiteration for support to readiness and project preparation activities in order to close information asymmetries and mitigate risk perceptions;
- Knowledge generation and transfer, including support for the utilization of climate data and projections to enable decision-making;
- Risk transfer products, such as insurance, to cover the residual costs of risk;
- Blended finance and public–private partnership structures to address market failures and incentivize private sector participation; and
- Gap analysis to determine areas where efforts should be focused, in order to support the development of funding proposals that target gap areas.
Document symbol
Document type
Action item
Board meeting
Cover date
11 June 2018