GCF/B.16/11: Report on the status of the staffing of the Secretariat

GCF/B.16/11: Report on the status of the staffing of the Secretariat
At its twelfth meeting, the Board authorized the recruitment of new staff with a view to filling approximately 100 positions by December 2016, increasing to 140 by the end of 2017, in order to build the capacity of the Secretariat.
The Secretariat has made progress in recruiting new staff and now with a current total staff count of 90 staff and 30 more positions in progress, it is possible that the approved 140 posts will be filled during 2017.
Recruiting and retaining staff continues to pose challenges, notably in terms of attracting new staff to the headquarters’ location, and retention of existing staff. A number of initiatives are under way to address these challenges, including a revision of the Human resources guidelines.
Given the demands of the Secretariat’s work plan, and the corresponding planned organizational structure, it is foreseen that the recruitment effort should continue at full capacity well into 2018.
In order to facilitate this, it is anticipated that the Board will be requested to consider and approve a budget for additional posts in 2018.