GCF/B.11/22: Trustee arrangements, including the review of the Interim Trustee and the initiation of a process to select the Trustee of the Green Climate Fund

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GCF/B.11/22: Trustee arrangements, including the review of the Interim Trustee and the initiation of a process to select the Trustee of the Green Climate Fund
This document presents an update on the steps towards selecting a Permanent Trustee and proposes a draft decision for consideration by the Board on the terms of reference of the selection process for the review of the Interim Trustee. The following points will be discussed:
- Drafting the terms of reference for the review of the Interim Trustee, following paragraph 26 of the Governing Instrument for the Green Climate Fund (GCF);
- Examining the option for the GCF to provide its own Permanent Trustee services;
- Developing a list of institutions/organizations which could potentially serve as Permanent Trustee;
- Developing a methodology for an open, transparent and competitive bidding process in order to select the Permanent Trustee; and
- The anticipated activities and the necessary documents to be submitted by the Secretariat in order to further develop, implement and finalize the selection process for the Permanent Trustee.
Document symbol
Document type
Action item
Board meeting
Cover date
03 March 2016