GCF/B.01-12/03: Arrangements for Observer Participation in the Board Meetings

Document cover for Arrangements for Observer Participation in the Board Meetings
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GCF/B.01-12/03: Arrangements for Observer Participation in the Board Meetings

This document provides an overview of the provisional arrangements for the participation of observers in the first meeting of the Board. These arrangements were elaborated on the basis of: a) the provisions of the Governing Instrument; b) current practices in the UNFCCC and GEF processes; and c) the draft additional rules of procedures of the Board. The arrangements were put in place to enable the three categories of observers invited to the meeting (Parties and observer States to the UNFCCC, United Nations and other intergovernmental organizations, and non‐governmental organizations) to follow the proceedings. The document also proposes guidelines for participation of active observers (two civil society representatives and two private sector representatives) in the meeting.

Document symbol GCF/B.01-12/03
Document type
Action item
Board meeting
Cover date 03 August 2012