Financial management capacity assessment template (FMCA)
The GCF welcomes applications from a wide array of organizations, particularly those based in developing countries, to become readiness designated agencies. Potential agencies (this may be the country’s National Designated Authority (NDA) or another government designated entity eligible to receive direct readiness funding from the GCF) that are not GCF Accredited Entities must complete the Financial Management Capacity Assessment (FMCA) questionnaire and submit it to the GCF Secretariat along with the required supporting documentation.
The FMCA questionnaire and supporting documentation allow GCF to assess the organization's capacity to effectively manage a readiness grant. This includes evaluating the organization's fiduciary capacity, financial management systems, and procedures and policies related to its legal framework and status, procurement, project management, and Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism.
For any questions regarding the questionnaire, you may contact the relevant Regional Manager and Regional Officer for the country in question.
- General and contact information
- Legal framework
- Structure and culture
- Financial management
- Procurement
- Project management
- FMCA supporting documents checklist
- Annex 1: Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Combating Finance of Terrorism (CFT) Policies, Practices and Procedures Questionnaire