Facilitating the Cook Islands Ability to Strengthen Long-term Low-emission and Climate-resilient Development

Document cover for Facilitating the Cook Islands Ability to Strengthen Long-term Low-emission and Climate-resilient Development
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Facilitating the Cook Islands Ability to Strengthen Long-term Low-emission and Climate-resilient Development

This multi-year Readiness proposal will build on previous Readiness support by conducting activities in capacity-building, climate finance, low-emission development, pipeline development, enhanced stakeholder engagement and will also build international networks to share lessons learned. Support will also be provided for the continued development of the AEs.

The individual outputs and activities support their respective outcomes but will also contribute to successfully achieving other outcomes in this proposal. The combination of the ten outcomes in the proposal, will assist in realising the stated goal to strengthen the Cook Islands ability to achieve long-term low-emission and climate-resilient development. Barriers to successful implementation of activities have been identified along with means to address the barriers. The design of the proposal has been coordinated with current Cook Islands climate change activities being proposed to the GCF and other climate change funding agencies. 

Cover date 21 August 2023
Document type Approved readiness proposal
Ministry of Finance and Economic Management, Cook Islands
Cook Islands