Entity Support and Private Sector Mobilization support for Jamaica through MEGJC

Entity Support and Private Sector Mobilization support for Jamaica through MEGJC
It was during the GCF Structured Dialogue with the Caribbean in June 2017 in Placencia, Belize that region emphasised to urgency of engaging the private sector and Jamaica was nominated to lead this regional initiative. The Climate Change Division of the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation is therefore requesting a Readiness Grant to support private sector mobilization for the development of projects/programmes which translate into regional and national benefits.
The Readiness Grant will investigate barriers to private sector investment, support the accreditation of the selected private sector entities in the region, inform the best strategy for investment at the regional and country level and promote south-south cooperation among other CARICOM States.
The proposal will be complementary to the first readiness grants as it will lay the foundation for supporting a regional accredited private sector entity to allow to Jamaica and CARICOM states to take advantage of the GCF Private Sector Facility (PSF).