Enhancing Saint Lucia's National Adaptation Plan Process through the Elaboration of Sector Strategies and Action Plans, a Strengthened Evidence Base, and Improved Private Sector Engagement

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Enhancing Saint Lucia's National Adaptation Plan Process through the Elaboration of Sector Strategies and Action Plans, a Strengthened Evidence Base, and Improved Private Sector Engagement

The objective of this GCF readiness grant is to continue advancing the country’s NAP process. It will do so by strengthening the capacity of critical institutions and line ministries to develop Sectoral Adaptation Strategies and Action Plans (SASAPs) in the remaining priority NAP sectors (education, tourism, and infrastructure/spatial planning), and to clearly articulate their adaptation priorities and needs to mobilise climate finance; moving from adaptation planning to implementation. Each SASAP will include a portfolio of project ideas for the priority sector, to be financed during the NAP’s 10-year implementation timeline. Furthermore, support under this readiness proposal will be used to strengthen the evidence base to advance adaptation technologies and solutions in these key sectors, focusing on coastal resilience; enhancing engagement with private sector actors by implementing the NAP’s private sector engagement strategy (PSES) and furthering private sector adaptation action; and increasing access to adaptation finance by enhancing Saint Lucia’s existing adaptation investment pipeline. The readiness grant is aligned to the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme’s Objective 3 (Strengthened Adaptation Planning) and the following outcomes:

  • Outcome 3.1: Adaptation planning governance and institutional coordination strengthened
  • Outcome 3.2: Evidence basis used to design adaptation solutions for maximum impact
  • Outcome 3.3: Private sector engagement in adaptation catalyzed
  • Outcome 3.4: Adaptation finance increased Specifically, the activities under these outcomes will focus on the following key outputs:
  • Output 3.1.1: Strengthened capacity of decision-makers in NAP priority sectors to develop and implement sectoral adaptation strategies and action plans, and to access climate finance.
  • Output 3.2.1: Baseline understanding of current state of information on climate change risks to Saint Lucia’s coasts
  • Output 3.2.2: Coastal mapping and modelling developed
  • Output 3.2.3: Vulnerability, Risk and Economic Impact Assessment
  • Output 3.3.1: Enhanced participation and engagement of critical private sector actors in NAP implementation through the implementation of the Private Sector Engagement Strategy (PSES).
  • Output 3.4.1: Prioritised Adaptation Pipeline with up to two GCF concept notes developed and submitted.

Ultimately, this second adaptation planning readiness proposal for Saint Lucia seeks to strengthen the country’s ongoing NAP process through supporting the remaining priority sectors to prepare robust climate strategies and plans. National climate finance coordination systems currently being implemented by the NDA will then be further enhanced and supported through a phased approach being applied to Saint Lucia’s NAP process to ensure prioritised actions are addressed and implemented accordingly. The readiness grant will also seek to strengthen national and local understanding of coastal vulnerability and risk by building on current sea level rise modelling work undertaken by the National Integrated Planning and Programme Unit (NIPP - Unit) of the GoSL.

To foster inclusive and gender responsive adaptation planning, Saint Lucia’s NAP and associated SASAPs focus their attention on vulnerable groups. For example, the readiness activities will build on the EnGenDER project’s efforts by ensuring gender-disaggregated information is collected and assessed and the NAP and the SASAPs have and will continue to include activities that focus on the different vulnerabilities, capacities and opportunities of women and men.

The direct beneficiaries of the readiness proposal will include:

  • The Government of Saint Lucia, specifically ministries, departments and agencies with responsibilities for the key economic sectors of focus, which include education, tourism and infrastructure and spatial planning.
  • The National Designated Authority: the proposed Readiness is aligned with Saint Lucia’s GCF Country Programme and aims at increasing the capacity of the NDA to deliver and accomplish its mission and raising its targets.
  • Civil society organisations and private sector stakeholders, including specific groups or associations relating banking, financial and insurance sectors: readiness activities will seek to engage these specific stakeholder groups in NAP planning and implementation.
  • National Climate Change Committee: readiness activities will engage and guide NCCC members through the process of enhancing the adaptation investment pipeline and development of GCF concept notes.

Indirectly the readiness resources will benefit vulnerable communities in Saint Lucia through enhancing their understanding of climate-related coastal vulnerabilities, risks and impacts, which will support future adaptation planning and the implementation of tailored adaptation solutions.

Cover date 09 February 2023
Document type Approved readiness proposal
Saint Lucia