Enhancing resilience of communities, smallholders and ecosystems to climate change impacts through adapting and scaling up land/resources used systems in the Marajo archipelago in Brazil

Document cover for Enhancing resilience of communities, smallholders and ecosystems to climate change impacts through adapting and scaling up land/resources used systems in the Marajo archipelago in Brazil
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Enhancing resilience of communities, smallholders and ecosystems to climate change impacts through adapting and scaling up land/resources used systems in the Marajo archipelago in Brazil

The project entitled, “Enhancing resilience of smallholders and ecosystems to climate change impacts through adapting and scaling up land/resources used systems in the Marajo Archipelago in Brazil” seeks to increase adaptive capacities of smallholders to make the current food production system more resilient to climate change impacts. Through the implementation and upscale of diversified agroforestry systems4, the project will result in smallholders ́ livelihoods becoming more resilient to climate shocks and stresses triggered by climate change.

The area of focus for this PPF is the Marajo Island, in de Amazon river delta in Brazil, with a special attention to smallholders from Salvaterra, Cachoeira do Arari and Soure.

PPF support from GCF is needed to conduct studies to strengthen the overall strategic direction of this funding proposal and identify the most climate-resilient, cost-effective and long-term agroforestry based solutions for the climate change problems faced by smallholders living in the target area. In addition, models for scaling up the solutions proposed in other regions will be identified. The following studies will help identify and update relevant information and fill information gaps to develop a full funding proposal. The results will be included in the final proposal, and later submitted to the GCF for funding consideration. Furthermore, the PPF will be an opportunity to produce a model appraoch that can be later on replicable in other countries and other areas within the Amazon Region.

Cover date 11 March 2021
Document type Approved project preparation funding application
Fundación Avina