Dominica - Climate Elucidation for Adaptive Resilience in the Water Sector (D-ClEAR-Water)

Document cover for Dominica - Climate Elucidation for Adaptive Resilience in the Water Sector (D-ClEAR-Water)
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Dominica - Climate Elucidation for Adaptive Resilience in the Water Sector (D-ClEAR-Water)

There is evidence that climate change will result in increasing variability and extremes4 and this will impact the availability of water in Dominica, particularly in the dry season. Less water will be available to support water supply to communities and water quality will be negatively impacted by extreme climatic events. Decreases in water availability and poorer water quality will require the upgrading of water system capacities to meet future climate-challenged operating conditions. The objective is to reduce the impact of climate change on water services provision through adaptation and mitigation measures. This will be achieved through improving hydro-meteorological monitoring and forecasting for warning and planning purposes, reductions in abstraction, provision of contingency storage, use of renewable energy for pumping, evidenced-based planning using climate projections to optimise adaptation investments, improved operation efficiency using climate information, and uptake of efficiency measures by communities. The measures will directly benefit the executing entity the water utility, the hydropower operator, agriculture, tourism and the commercial centres of Roseau and Portsmouth and water stressed communities.

Cover date 01 December 2020
Document type Concept note
Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre