Compilation of submissions: Review and Update of the GCF Gender Policy and Action Plan

Compilation of submissions: Review and Update of the GCF Gender Policy and Action Plan
On 20 April 2017, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) published a call for inputs that invited members and alternate members of the Board, national designated authorities and focal points, accredited entities, accredited observer organizations and the public at large, to provide inputs on in relation to the review and update of the GCF gender policy and action plan. The call followed a mandate from the GCF Board in Decision B.09/11, paragraph (d) requesting the Secretariat to conduct a review of the gender policy and action plan, in consultation with the civil society organizations accredited with the Fund, and to submit an updated version of both for consideration by the Board. Members of the Board were also invited to submit their comments or additional proposals regarding the current policy and action plan.
The deadline for submissions was on 21 May 2017 and the GCF Secretariat has subsequently collected and compiled all inputs received. This document is the compilation of inputs received. 36 submissions and comments received are presented in this document without editing or formatting.