Compilation of submissions: Monitoring and Accountability Framework Call for Public Input

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Compilation of submissions: Monitoring and Accountability Framework Call for Public Input

On 30 July 2015, the GCF published a call for public input that invited individuals, organizations and all entities involved and interested in climate mitigation, adaptation, climate change monitoring and evaluation, environmental and social safeguards and related topics to provide inputs to support the development of the GCF’s initial monitoring and accountability framework. The deadline for submissions was 17 August 2015 and the GCF Secretariat has subsequently collected and compiled all inputs received.

This document is the compilation of inputs received and is published for public information as indicated in the call for inputs document. Please note that this compilation document presents the inputs as they were received in response to the call.

During the development of the initial monitoring and accountability framework, comments have been received in addition to the inputs responding to the call. While this compendium incorporates only the inputs received, the comments received have been duly considered.

Cover date 16 October 2015
Document type Call for input