Compilation of submissions: Inputs for GCF Draft Indigenous Peoples Policy

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Compilation of submissions: Inputs for GCF Draft Indigenous Peoples Policy

In decision B.15/01, paragraph (a), the Board requested the Secretariat to develop a Fund-wide indigenous peoples policy. The policy aims to assist GCF in incorporating considerations related to indigenous peoples into its decision-making while working towards the goals of climate change mitigation and adaptation. The policy is seen to provide a framework for ensuring that activities of the GCF are developed and implemented in such a way that fosters full respect for indigenous peoples and their dignity, human rights, and cultural uniqueness so that they (a) receive culturally appropriate social and economic benefits; and (b) do not suffer adverse effects during the development process.

The deadline for submissions was on 12 August 2017 and the GCF Secretariat has subsequently collected and compiled all inputs received. This document is the compilation of inputs received. 45 submissions and comments were received and disclosed in this document without editing or formatting.

Cover date 18 September 2017
Document type Call for input