Compilation of submissions: Draft GCF Environmental and Social Management System

Compilation of submissions: Draft GCF Environmental and Social Management System
On 15 December 2016, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) published a call for public inputs that invited organizations and all entities involved and interested in climate mitigation and adaptation, environmental and social safeguards and related topics, to provide inputs on the draft environmental and social management system (ESMS). The call followed a mandate from the GCF Board in decision B.07/02, paragraph (n) requesting the Secretariat, in consultation with the Accreditation Committee and Accreditation Panel, to develop an ESMS.
The deadline for submissions was on 24 February 2017 and the GCF Secretariat has subsequently collected and compiled all inputs received. This document is the compilation of inputs received and is published for public information as indicated in the call for inputs document. 22 submissions and comments were received and these are presented in this document without editing or formatting.