Co-designing transformative solutions with communities in Nauru

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Co-designing transformative solutions with communities in Nauru

This Readiness proposal aims at contributing to effective transformative solutions by the most vulnerable communities of Nauru to cope with soaring climate change challenges through enhancing technical capacity of stakeholders and putting in place necessary data and policies and institutional arrangements that help co-design of community-centred programmes. These co-designed innovative solutions will be developed during five state-of-the-art visioning workshops and will support Nauru’s climate finance planning and will be the basis for the development of a Concept Note, which will also involve a pre-feasibility study and a mitigation potential assessment.

The Nauru government - Department of Climate Change and National Resilience, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries – will directly benefit from a portfolio of transformative solutions co-designed with communities.

This involves creating a concrete action plan (sector NAPs) for the water and agriculture sectors and a concept note for transformative change, which will be part of the GCF Country Programme and further developed into a full project proposal. Around 50% of direct beneficiaries are anticipated to be women. The process will also actively engage the private sector to identify co-financing options and create investment opportunities, which makes them direct beneficiaries as well.

Cover date 06 January 2025
Document type Approved readiness proposal
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations