CF/B.34/Inf.17/Add.01: Update of the Green Climate Fund Strategic Plan – zero draft Addendum

CF/B.34/Inf.17/Add.01: Update of the Green Climate Fund Strategic Plan – zero draft Addendum
This document contains the zero draft of the Strategic Plan 2024-2027. The draft takes into account emerging recommendations from the second performance review of GCF, the findings of the overall review of GCF policy frameworks, the outcomes of the B.33 Board informal session on the review and update of the Strategic Plan held on 17 July 2022, submissions and inputs received, as well as the outcomes of consultations held with developing countries, accredited entities, accredited observers and private sector representatives through programming and private investment conferences held in September 2022. Parts of the zero draft have been populated with annotated options to allow for initial discussion by the Board at B.34, and will be refined into full text for a later version based on feedback received.