Capacity Building and Knowledge Management on Climate Change for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Ghana towards the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions

Capacity Building and Knowledge Management on Climate Change for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Ghana towards the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions
For the past 15 years, the government of Ghana has received support from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), The Adaptation Fund, and other multilateral and bilateral agencies as well as non-state actors to implement a number of capacity building and climate change coordination and policy development initiatives. About thirteen climate change related capacity-building projects had been implemented under the GEF country allocation. Further to these supports, the country has received four readiness support (GHA-RS-001, GHA-RS-002, GHA-RS-003 and GHA-RS-004) from the Green Climate Fund. While all these initiatives and supports have enabled Ghana and some Civil society organizations (CSOs) groups and networks to set the ground for addressing climate change, there are still significant gaps in capacity and a need for more knowledge transfer among CSOs. Unfortunately, the scope of most of the national technical and institutional capacities that seek to streamline climate finance has typically been limited to government entities. CSOs are not fully engaged as key partners in the planning, design and implementation of these projects. Capacity gap analysis among CSOs and CSO Networks in Ghana has revealed wide gaps in technical skills and institutional capacity to respond effectively and integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation into relevant existing and future programmes and projects and catalyze climate change solutions in Ghana.