Call for public inputs: Strategy on accreditation (extended deadline)

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Call for public inputs: Strategy on accreditation (extended deadline)

The Accreditation Committee of the Board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) was requested to develop a strategy on accreditation for the GCF, based on the report of the Accreditation Committee on progress on developing a strategy on accreditation, adopted in decision B.12/211. The invitation for call for inputs is open to GCF Board members and alternate members, observers, accredited entities, national designated authorities or focal points, and delivery partners. The report of the Accreditation Committee is contained in the annex of this call for public inputs.

The GCF Secretariat is pleased to invite the submission of inputs on the strategy on accreditation in relation to the questions in the report of the Accreditation Committee on the progress on developing a strategy on accreditation. The questions are in the report of the Accreditation Committee which is contained in the annex of this call for public inputs.

Cover date 19 April 2016
Document type Call for input